Sh. Naresh
Dadhich |
Postal Address:
Inter-University Center for Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind,
411 007, India |

param@iucaa.ernet.in |
109, Aryabhata |
+91-20-25691414 |
+91-20-25690760 |
4, Akashganga |
- Research
- Classical and Quantum aspects of General
- Physics of Extra Dimensions, Braneworld
- Wormholes
- Gravitational Collapse
- Books
- A Random Walk in
Relativity and Cosmology, N.Dadhich, J.K.Rao, J.V.Narlikar
and C.V.Vishveshwara (eds.), Professor P.C.Vaidya and Professor
A.K.Raychaudhuri Festschrift, Wiley Eastern, 1985.
- V. K. Kapahi, N. Dadhich,
G. Swarup and J. V. Narlikar (eds) ,Proceedings of the 6th
Asian-Pacific Meeting on Astronomy of the IAU (Indian Academy of Sciences,
- N. Dadhich, and J.
Narlikar (eds) Gravitation and Relativity: At the
turn of the Millennium, GR-15 Proceedings, IUCAA, 1998.
- N. K. Dadhich, and A. K. Kembhavi(eds) The
Universe: Visions and Perspectives, Kluwer, 2000.
- S. Bharadwaj, N. Dadhich, and S.Kar, (eds)
Proceedings of the fourth ICGC-2000 Conference, Pramana, 55, No.4.
- D. V. Ahluwalia, N. Dadhich, Proceedings of the
first IUCAA meeting on the Interface of Gravitational and Quantum Realms,
IUCAA, Modern Physics Letters A 17, 899, 2002.
Sand Dunes To IUCAA: A Mirage
Naresh Dadhich
It is a formidable task
and enormous responsibility to steer an institute of IUCAA's proportion
and reputation and more so to succeed the man like Jayant Narlikar whom we
all hold in great admiration and awesome awe. It is impossible to step
into his shoes, I will have to search for his slippers. With the combined
efforts of all my committed colleagues and friends, and the friends and
well wishers of IUCAA, I would humbly strive to take up the challenge and
hope to measure upto it. The support and good will expressed in such an
emphatic and warm manner from the friends all over is greatly gratifying
and confidence boosting. For this I feel sincerely indebted.
Looking Back
Over 50 years down the
negative time line I see a boy of 5 walking on the sandy path 3 miles
everyday with other older boys to attend a school. Because his little
village, Sarsali in the Churu District of Rajasthan had no school and the
slightly bigger village, Dudhwakhara that boasted the three palatial
havelies of the millionaire seths had one courtesy the seths. When he came
to the VI class, there was a new change in the life of school as well as
its pupils. The school became a high school with new building having
marble floors - marble being a local stone is not so uncommon in
Rajasthan. There was a new headmaster, though a local man was coming from
several years experience at the prestigious and rich public school of
Pilani. He brought in the uniform, extramural activities, drama, music
etc. It was a wonderfully refreshing opening out, writing poetry and
performing, and sports and games competition and so on. For a small
village school, it was a new avatar.
There was another very significant change, for the first time school had a
science teacher - again a local man who did B.Sc. - a first from that
area. He was also the hostel warden. It is this man who gave me the new
direction and perception of reasoning out - rather instilling the spirit
of asking questions. There occurred an incident which brought face to face
a social issue. In the hostel, one of our mates was harijan who was always
served by the upper caste boys. This the warden in his youthful zeal and
enthusiasm objected and argued that there is no objective basis for such a
discrimination. Some boys protested while some others like me were more
than willing to go with this new thought. After a while boys who left
hostel came back and all was well again with the new equilibrium.
It did leave something very valuable behind which I have consciously
nourished all through. That is a sense of fairness and justice, and that
is perhaps any case of unfairness in academics as well as otherwise lands
unhesitatingly on my table. This man is Hariram Joshi who lives in Churu
after a very successful teaching career, retiring as Principal of a
Secondary School. I am sure there may be many like me whom he has perhaps
even unconsciously shown the light and direction.
Had it not been for my brother, who is good 10 years older to me and had
for the first time in that environ beaten the path beyond metric and gone
to Pilani to study, I would have followed the standard trajectory of being
a school teacher after metric and could have lived happily ever after
jumping from one school to the other every few years. My job was easy
simply to follow him and it was more necessitated by the fact science
subject for higher secondary classes was not available in the village
school and hence to Pilani. It is for the first time I met people from
other parts of the country and also heard new languages, particularly from
the south. Pilani campus community was very cosmopolitan so much so one
could occasionally run into foreigners too. This was a great learning
process and because of my innate positive disposition for new things and
ideas I enjoyed it thoroughly. These were the early lessons in
adaptability and liberal thought which fortunately has never left me and
kept me in good stead.
For the first generation learners, parents were happy when you passed your
annual exam - I remember my mother asking, have you passed when I said
yes, she would say continently "Paise Vasool" - got back money's worth.
Any further resolution in terms of marks and class was beyond her
perception - those were the happy days. I happen to live for the first
time with my brother during my Masters study at Vallabh-Vidyanagar. He had
a group of literary friends, I absorbed through osmosis good bit of
appreciation of literature and philosophy. My brother did write a book on
existentialism in Hindi. It helped me gain a new dimension. Serious
reading and writing, occasionally writing poetry too, have remained with
me from that time, not counting what we indulged in the Dudhwakhara
One of Professor V V Narlikar's students, J Krishan Rao was my teacher in
M. Sc. and he suggested that I should go and Join him for Ph.D. at Pune
where he had just then moved in for his second innings of the academic
career. I was anyway a free bird, nothing to pull back or push on other
way, I landed in Pune on 1 Sept. 1966. The first person I met was Anil
Gore, the present Head of the Statistics Dept. of Pune University. He was
surprised that I had come so far off to study. Well, I told him that when
you leave your village, every place is different from that and hence the
distance too ceased to make much difference. It is he who opened to me the
Marathi culture and life through Yukrand and the other social
organizations. Awachat family, particularly Subhash and Indutai provided
the emotional support in the initial stages. Strangely I ran into the well
known Marathi literary critic Sa. Shi. Bhave and we instantly resonated
and became friends. He brought me to Prabhakar Padhey's group that met and
had discussions in the staff room of the Fergusson Collge. This is where I
met the Marxist thinker and ideologue, Di. Ke. Bedekar. He had an uncanny
knack of getting onto your floor and then beautifully expose the weakness
of your argument or viewpoint. He had a great rapport with the younger
people and my associationship with him was most endearing.
After Ph.D., joined Maths dept of Pune University in 1971 and had a long
innings of 17 years. There were good many friends and colleagues who
shared similar perspective and views on things and people around. There
were number of occasions where people came together and voiced their
protest against injustice and I thought this did keep the establishment
under some check. Many heated discussions in the Teachers Forum meetings
come to mind. Despite N S Narsimhan (of Chemistry dept) being much older
and quite different in attitude and form yet we had and continue to have a
very strong and warm friendship, perhaps the common thread is sincerity
and honesty of our living.
Academically, I was able to build up a small active group in relativistic
astrophysics in the Maths dept. and I had started making little noises of
an astrophysics centre. Then something most fortuous happened. First
Govind Swarup came with GMRT which was followed by Yash Pal's suggestion
of setting up a common facility for the universities - an inter university
centre. This challenge was picked up mid air by Jayant, and I was
instantly in it. Bade goodbye to Pune University and joined IUCAA on 10th
Feb. 1988 as its first member - the Project Coordinator. We started right
from getting the land and then through interaction with Charles Correa to
get the buildings through in good time and IUCAA was complete in Dec.
1992. Initially Jayant, Ajit Kembhavi and I worked as a very cohesive team
which not only took care of multifarious tasks of buildings, other
infrastructural developments and interaction with UGC and other agencies,
also shared the vision of the new and unique experiment, IUCAA we had
envisioned. Despite very hard work, it was the most rewarding and
enriching experience. I have known Jayant right from my Ph.D. days but it
was through this close interaction he became to me a friend, philosopher
and guide. We have greatly enjoyed building IUCAA and feel quite gratified
when we see our university colleagues using this common resource as it was
conceived and dreamt of, not too far back - just 15 years back.
Apart from my revered teacher V V Narlikar, I have been greatly inspired
by the two most distinguished relativists - the father figure to the
Indian relativity community, P C Vaidya of Ahmedabad and A K Raychaudhuri
of Kolkata. They have always stood as solid support for us in IUCAA and
whenever the need arose we called upon them without hesitation for wise
counsel and guidance, and they responded instantly, never mind whether it
required them to travel long distances to come to IUCAA. Our interaction
with them carries the parental concern and a respectful distance. Yet
however I share a very warm and close bond with Raychaudhuri and which has
over the period evolved into a very special and affectionate relation.
There are numerous other friends who have contributed in no small measure
to my overall upbringing, I have named only a few of them who happen to
play a critical role in my life at a given time. Not that the others
contribution is not significant, my sincere apologies to them. For impact
is always situation dependent and not so much on the relationship itself,
and I have tried to look at the situations quite objectively. This list
won't however be complete without the inclusion of the two women who have
played very important role in my life. It is from my uneducated mother I
inherit sincerity and honesty of purpose and behaviour, unfortunately not
her genre of hard work. The other is Sadhana, who has been a fellow
traveller sharing all the joy and strife in equal measure of the long
journey of over 32 years. I should say that it is our mutual support and
growing together that has kept us whole together as well as individually.
At this juncture of looking back and reflecting, I can’t help wondering
over the whole course and could do no more than feeling startled and
deeply grateful and fortuous.
Looking Ahead
Now IUCAA has reached a
critical point when Jayant after 15 years of excellent nurturing and
moulding retires in July 2003. The young kid of sand dunes in a distant
nondescript little village of Rajasthan, has now grown up and been chosen
by some wise men to take up the steering from its creator to tow IUCAA on
course and cover greater and wider distance. It feels like a mirage of
enormous proportion. And mirage is more real in the desert than elsewhere. |
nkd@iucaa.ernet.in |
Source: Internet |